Why should I register .au for my business?
Why should I register .au for my business? There are several reasons: To protect your brand identity. Any new business could try to piggyback off
Why should I register .au for my business? There are several reasons: To protect your brand identity. Any new business could try to piggyback off
Who is your web designer?
That would be me, Wade Pickering the founder of Elite Design Ind.
I’ve have always been a creative, I’ve studied Visual Art, Photography, Graphic Design & Web Design.
I’ve always had an eye for detail and a vision for my creative future, although I never in a million years thought I would be a web designer. I was so worried about not having enough experience or being able to earn enough to put food on the table that my dreams were always pushed back by constant self doubt.
But then I realized that’s where my passion really lies. With the support of my partner, I up and quit my day job and started Elite Design Industries into the small growing business it is today.
Helping people with my creativity is what warms my soul and makes me happy!